Sunday, September 8, 2013

Signing Off

Taking a short sabbatical

At least from the video side of my hunts.
I carried a video camera with me for the first time
on a hunt back in 1990.  I was hunting the edge of
a corn field and parked my truck on the opposite
side of the field and rested the camera on the roof
pointed at my stand location.  That was a long time ago.

A few years later I started nailing 2 boards together to
make a shelf, nail it to a tree and rest a vhs camera on
it pointed in my direction.  Here is the camera that I
used back then.

A few years later around 2000 I got a new smaller
"Digital" camera and made my first tree mounted
camera arm.  It was a mirror mount arm for a truck
which I welded a screw in tree step to on one end,
and a bolted a spottint scope mount that I had to the
other end which is where the camera mounted to.
The cool thing about this was it had an adjustuble
length feature to extend the length of the pole which
if you look at the picture below you can see where
I welded a box end wrench to loosen and tighten
the nut.

In 2008 I believe it was when I bought a store bought
version camera arm which made all the differance in the world.
I thought I was a Pro at that point.

In all the years of my filming I used 3 different camera, which the
last one I used I had 3 or 4 different ones of the same model.

The moral to this story is that I have been videoing my
hunts for a long time, and I decided that this year I am walking
into the woods with-out a video camera.  So here is a video,
maybe my last video with clips from the past 2012/2013 season.
But dot worry I will still be updating my blog/webpage/facebook.

So please enjoy may last video, its been a hoot making them.

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