Sunday, September 30, 2012

First Hunt With The Bear Grizzly

Yesterdays hunt was a 3 part'r. With the Full-Moon, my plan was to hunt a back-yard (High Deer-Sighting) spot with my compound in the morning until about 11:00, and than I was going to go to Frederick Co. and hang a new stand.  Well every deer that got with-in 70 yds of me busted me immediately. Still scratching my head about that because in the evening nothing knows I'm there.  I did have 1 fawn that bedded down at 40 yds. but no shots.

So I head to Frederick, and hang my stand.

 My original plan was to hunt the ground with my re-curve, but the wind was swirling a bit, and I was really wanting to hunt the stand I just set so that's what I did, after a little snooze in my truck.

To back-up a bit, this would be the first hunt with my new Bear Grizzly recurve.  I had originally bought it because it was lighter poundage (45 lbs. ) than my longbow (55 lbs.), but I have been shooting that thing really well so I got some snakeskin limb wraps, and a cheap quiver and took it into the woods.

Prior to this, Friday night I had to shoot paper with the 125 grn. Snuffer broadheads just to be sure.  A bit scary if they are wacked but I was releived.

So back to the afternoon hunt.  Not much happened, but whenever there is a full-moon I rarely see much.  I did have 2 small bucks, and a doe come in but that was it.  Had I not killed a buck 2 years ago with my longbow this small 7-pt would have had me drawing for a shot. 
It was however a very fun hut and a good day all long.
Monday will be a new hunt.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Had a camera soaking for only 5 days, and got 491 pictures.  Mostly does, but there were a few cool ones, and one nice buck.  looks like mayby a 10 point with some mass.  Looks like a young deer also.  here are a few of the cooler pictures.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Last Nights Hunt On The Ground

Last night I decided to hunt the ground with my longbow leaving the video gear behind.  The deer have been coming in at the same places, and eating up the acorns so I thought I would try to get close to them on foot.  There is no place to jack up in that corner and I am reluctant to put up a hang-on so this seemed like a great idea.  The wind was perfect for my setup.     

Here is a map of my course.
Red = Me
White = Wind
Purple = Deer

I was hunkered down beside a blow-down and felt well hidden. I had several deer come in just as expected, however I kept getting busted. They saw me. I did managed to get a couple shots of at does, 2 to be exact and each shot missed.  I guess I need to practice a bit more kneeling down.

So after the 2nd "miss" I figured I was going to make a move.  There is a short ladder stand that is close to the egde of the woods facing the corn.  The deer like to walk that edge before entering the woods.  The wind was still the same, but as light faded shifted.  I had a few more does came in but now they were smelling me.  Funny, while I was on the ground covered up the deer saw me.  But up in a tree in the wide open they did'nt see me.  Either way it was a fun hunt.

Here is the 2nd setup.
Red = Me
White = Wind
Purple = Deer

Thursday, September 13, 2012

1st Week Maryland Bow 2012

1st Week 2012

 This years Archery opener was September 7th 
( A Bit Earlier than normal )  due to the efforts of some dedicated hunters and special interest groups such as the Maryland Bowhunters Society.  So of course I headed out and climbed a tree.  It was a bit warm, but the season was in.

That evening I saw a ton of fawns, at one point I counted 7 different ones at the same time, most of which were by themselves, 2 adult does, and 1 hard horned 4 point.

The next morning I climbed up the same tree and was ready at 5:45 am.  There were some bad storms in the forcast due to hit by noon so I knew it would be a short day.  Not much happened until 7:45 when 2 small does came in from behind me.  The 2nd doe gave me an opportunity at an 8 yd. broadside shot that I could not resist with my longbow, and she dropped her like a brick.
It was going to be getting warm so I climbed down, and got her home and in the fridge to cool down.  The next day it was burgers on the grill.  By the way, this doe is only my 2nd deer kill using traditional equipment.

Than on Tuesday after work I hit a back yard spot with the compound and shot another doe.  This one I got on video. 
Here is a screen grab of the arrow in flight.

Got her home, cut up and fried up the loins for dinner. 
Caramelized in cooking Sherry. 

While I was getting ready to climb down, I spotted this small 8 point and it had a tree branch stuck in its horns.  Funny stuff.

I can't wait to get back in the woods tomorrow night now that I have my 2 does checked.  In Maryland you must have 2 deer harvested before you shoot your 2nd buck, so i am good to go for the rest of the season.  Looking forward to week 2.


Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Annual Cap-On Party

The Maryland Archery season is just a few short days away which means the cap has to go back on my truck.  For the fifth year a bunch of hunting buds come by to help me with the task, and talk hunting stories and such.  Thanks to everyone who came by, it was fun as usual. 

last winter after the Cap-OFF party I spotted a shed ( deer antler ) in my front yard.  Yep, it was planted.  Well this year the Tom-Foolery continued.  Looking out the window this morning I spotted something down by the road.  Pretty funny stuff whoever thought it up.

Thanks again fella', it was fun.