Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Past 4 days

Thursday Nov. 1st

I did an evening hunt on a "Buck" property and was not disappointed.  I did a little rattling and 5 minutes later this weird one showed up downwind.

 He looked like about an 16"/17" wide buck had he had both sides normal.  I couldn't tell if the other side was broke or just funky.  He only got with-in 50 yds, but finally starting to see some bucks.  Right before last light I saw Mr. Wide, a definite shooter.  He was at least 20" wide, and again only got with-in 50 yds.  Things are definitely looking up.

Friday Nov. 2nd.

I took my wife Donna along on an afternoon hunt at a back yard "Please Shoot These Deer" spot.  I have a feeder set up in front of a blind.

I have taken Donna on a few hunts now, but we have "yet" to see a deer.  Finally before it got dark 4 does came in, but never got close.  Then this regular visitor 7 pt. gave us a show. Finally my wife got to see an up close deer.  It was really cool.  She never moved a muscle the whole time he was there 8 yds. in front of us. That was alot of fun.  Next time maybe I will get to shoot something with her.

Saturday Nov. 3rd

I went back to the "Buck" spot planning on sitting all day.  I had deer under me right away before it got light. Had a small buck, and then another weird one come in.  Normal on one side, but a double beam on the other side.  He must be related to the one I saw Thursday night shown above.

The day ended with little more excitement.

Sunday Nov. 4th

I went to a back yard spot where I shot both of my bucks last year.  I have not seen anything promicing there this year, but you never know what can happen in November.  Not long after 1st light I saw an 8pt that was about 18" wide heading right for me.  Already holding my bow, I quickly fumbled with the video camera failing to push record.  He came in at 10 yards broadside, and I stopped him with an "urp" and released.

I missed.  I can't believe I missed.  With the adrenaline rush pumping I jerked down real bad when I released and missed. Well, I did give him a shave. He ran off about 30 yds. looked back and after a quick grunt tube blow he actually started walking back twords me a few steps, and then changed his mind and walked away.  I can't believe I missed.  The adrenaline rush is getting the best of me this year, but thats what keeps me in the tree is that amazing feeling.  I did manage to get some video of him walking away.  But hey, its only mid-season.